Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life Right Now

Lately, life has been picking up speed but at the same time slowing down. It's so weird how fast time flies by in the blink of an eye.
 I've been trying to find that lovely balance between family, friends, boyfriend, work, school, and daily troubles that happen in life. It's a hard but yet wonderful balancing act. 

As of right now in my busy life I've found more time to crochet, which is so lovely. When school picks up speed I have less and less time to crochet, which is a horrible feeling to see your boxes of yarn and jar full of crocheting needles just sitting there day after day. But thankfully school has been slowing down a little and about to start back up after the Thanksgiving holiday. Which will be full of chapter exams, final projects, and two final exams.

So this post will be filled with crocheted projects I've been lucky enough to finish in the pass few weeks. :)

Billy the Kid in the making.

Meet Billy the Kid.
He's a hippo just wanting someone to love him.

This is what happens when I drink coffee to stay awake at work.
I end up staying awake until 3 in the morning crocheting this beauty.

R2D2 Coffee cozy.

My little brother (who isn't so little anymore) wanted a white one with red eyes.
And this is what you get... a scary but awesome looking animal.

Crocheting and Beer :) my kind of night.
I know I'm just way to crazy.

R2D2 again.. I just love him so much!
I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!
May it be full of happiness and please be careful! :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

21st Birthday Party and Weekend

Chalrie and I at Big Ed's Pizza

First Drink of the night :)
I had two :)
I had a two big exams the day after my birthday starting at 9:30am, so drinking it up on my birthday wouldn't have been a good idea. 

A view of my party, aka all my family members and all my close friends.

The next day on Nov. 8th. It was my good friend Brooke's 21st Birthday. We celebrated with her parents and brother :)

On Friday Charlie, Brooke, and I walked around downtown Knoxville had local food and sweets. 

That night around 9:30 or 10 I forget. We went behind the strip to The Carousal II, which is a drag show. It was amazing!!

The drinks of the night. Charlie, Brooke and I the only ones able to "drink" that night. The two that couldn't drink had water :)

Hal and I

Charlie really into his story

Miss Brooke and Miss Caitlyn

Brooke, Caitlyn, and I
The whole night was amazing! I enjoyed every minute spent with my girls, brother, and Charlie :)
I feel as though the older I get the less it seems like I should be the age I am. I still feel too young, but old at the same time. Weird, I know.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

So much

I've had so much happen within a small amount of time. Right now I'm updating before my 9:30am class. My family always has a super busy November. At the start of the month it's like a huge ball rolling down hill. My parents celebrated 23 years married. My baby brother turned 14! Still can't believe it! I turned 21! And my best friend turned 21 the day after me.

So much has happened and it still feels like time hasn't passed at all. It doesn't feel like it should be November. Let alone that I'm 21 and next week is Thanksgiving.

We surprised my little brother telling him I had to work, but I picked up everyone and we all waited at BattleField of Knoxville(which is like laser tag but the guns are heavier and there isn't black lights everywhere). He had a blast! We all did!

Then for my birthday we all went out to a Mexican restaurant, which normally I would say where but being I got really sick of the food that night and two days following I will not. :/
Being that my birthday was in the middle of the week and I had two exams the very next day I didn't drink more than two drinks.
So that weekend my friends and younger brother (Hal) and my boyfriend went to a club. But not just any club a Drag Queen club :)
It was amazing! The only thing that sucked about the whole night is me unable to record my boyfriend being invited up on stage by a Queen and having a dance off with two other people! The Drag Queen loved his moves so much she started to dancing with Charlie (my boyfriend!!!) It was an amazing night filled with love and understanding of others! I really enjoyed it and we will all be going back for Caitlyn's 21st birthday for sure! I'll post pictures later!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


(My first [well made] Granny Squares)

Crocheting is a good part of my life. I taught myself around this time last year how to crochet. I saw a picture of someone with a hook looking thing and a ball of yarn and thought, "Hey! That looks like fun!" and that's how I started my love of crocheting!

I enjoy crocheting very much. I crochet items more often for others than myself. I have a granny square blanket that I don't think I'll ever stop working on (due to the fact when I made the thing I still had no idea what I was truly doing), it comes undone sometimes do to my poor sewing skills with a huge needle. 

My grandmother is the one to blame for my love of creating and making. My mom's mom (Grammy) taught me how to sew and cross stitch when I was old enough to ask her to teach me. But I wasn't very good at it. I mean for a child that age I did very well looking back at all my projects, but it was never truly in my heart to WANT to continue. 

As soon as I picked up my first crocheting hook, I knew I would be hooked. HAHA!
I have gone on to teach others close to me how to crochet and they all enjoy it. But only one of the three or four I've taught have truly enjoyed crocheting along with me.
I'm posting this because it's about that time I start cracking down on crocheting items for Christmas :) 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wrong Hallway

In high school they have a program called Senior Project. Where students (seniors) leave campus the last class of the day and volunteer where ever they want. I picked my old elementary school, when I arrived I explained to the principal I wanted to help 1st or 2nd graders. She said that sounded great and she would place me in a classroom the next day.
I arrived excited to start working with younger children. She then took me to the 4th and 5th grade hallway. Confusing... I asked for 1st and 2nd grade which is the other hallway on the other side of the building. She then walked to the CDC-A room (Special Education classroom) door and opened it up. I didn't pause, I walked right in, the teacher was lovely made me feel welcome. Introduced me to all the children in the class a small room of 6 or 7.

This was not the class I wanted to be in, I was somewhat upset because I was very clear on what I wanted walking into the school. But as I sat there (somewhat upset/confused) a little boy rolled up and touched my face. Looked me right in the eye and touched my face. The 2nd day I knew right then and there God sent me to this classroom. He knew what I wanted and sent me what I NEEDED. 

At that point in my life I had no idea what I wanted to do in college. I knew I wanted to get a higher education but I had zero clue what I wanted to do. But once God placed me in that classroom and that little boy touched my face and my heart I knew what I wanted to do.
I know no one else will read this, this is mainly for me to look back on later in life. To see how young and hopeful I am at this point in my life. I hope to be working with Special Needs children for the rest of my life I hope that happens. Maybe it will maybe it won't, time will tell :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Life as of Now.

I feel as though I should update this more. But seeing that no one but myself reads it I guess it doesn't matter. I created you my lovely blog in order to type out how I feel now, like right now, how I'll feel tomorrow, and maybe a few weeks from now. I feel as though my life is always changing.
Many of the people I graduated high school with are married, have children, getting ready to have children, or getting ready to have their second or third child, or all of the above. I am happy for all of them, but their so young and it makes me feel like everything is moving way to fast. It scares me the thought of marriage and children.. But I do in fact long for the day I'm settled down with the love of my life, in a house, working as a teacher, spending my nights cooking for my husband, and dreaming with him about the day we have children. But my life is always changing right now. I love the idea of everything being WIDE open. My fears are normal I guess. But it scares me to think about how far "behind" I am from everyone else. But I've never truly been right along side everyone my age.

Classes are flying by, I have three classes I need in the Spring and I will be done with this chapter of my life. I will be moving from a college I've attended for three years of my life and moving to a college where I will finish up my degree, I am both very excited and scared at the same time.

My mom and dad always told me I can do anything I set my mind to. Anything. I got a new tattoo (my second) on the inside of my arm. I strongly believe in the quote. 

Crocheting is going well :) finished my aunt's Christmas gift. Very happy with it.

In a month I will turn 21.
This brings with it new and exciting feelings.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

LONG Time No Posts

Goodness! Classes, friends, family, work, dating, life, OH MY! :)

So much happening so little time! 
Classes have started I'm only taking three this semester very happy about it :) 

Friends have been falling in and out of my life, but the ones that have always been there for me are still near and dear to my heart.
I have been helping those around me who have become addicted to crocheting (just like me) how to improve their skills in the craft :) 

Work has been amazing I love working at Panera Bread! The people there are amazing and wonderful to work with!

Dating a man I work with! I never saw myself dating someone I work with but he is amazing and beautiful inside and out!

Life has been good to me, even though we all have our ups and downs you always need to understand and be thankful for what we are given. There is always someone else out there in the world worse off than we are; be thankful for what you have.
If anyone has questions ask them. But I'm not even sure anyone reads this but me haha

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Life is Changing...

I have gone through a lot since my last post. Chad and I are no longer together. I am now out of school, working hard at Panera Bread. Went on Vacation with my family and friends. And I'm about to head back for summer semester classes! My life is speeding on ahead of me while I feel left behind.

First things first. Chad and I broke it off after several months of dating; it wasn't a horrible break up both feeling like we were no long happy in the relationship. But break ups are still hard and I feel very sad sometimes about it. But I pray about it, praying for strength and understanding. I strongly believe my soul-mate it out there walking around waiting for the day God brings us together.

Spring classes ended and I have about a month to work and chill out from school. I am over that chill out break. I miss learning, I miss school, I miss doing homework. All of my friends enjoy LONG breaks from school but I miss school about a good two weeks after classes end. I don't know why, I guess I'm just weird.

My family and I went on vacation to Helen, Georgia. A small town in the mountains. We enjoyed the small town feel, the towns people, and our cabin was BEAUTIFUL! Three floors, our own rooms, pool table, hot tub, no one around us at all to hear how long we were at night yelling and running around, the whole top part of the mountain was ours :) beautiful waterfall in the background.

I head back to school June 4th taking three classes this summer and then four in the fall, then I'm done at Roane State and can transfer to a four year college :) I'm very excited about it. I'm so close to being a teacher, I'm very excited about it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I've been busy.. sorry

I haven't been on here in a while due to my school and my busy life. Spring classes have been in full swing and I am dealing with it wonderfully (I think). I signed up for my Summer classes and my Fall classes, so come Spring of next year I will hopefully be all done at my two year college and ready to move on to UT :D

I want to be a teacher SO bad, I love the joys of teaching children and watching them grow as young people. People don't think we have an influence on children at the elementary school level but I remember all my elementary school teachers and their words of encouragement and sadly their words of put down. I want to drive helpful and encouraging words into their heads and sit back and watch them grow. I really want to be a Special Needs teachers, I feel like it's my calling from God. But I am elementary right now and many do both majors once at UT.

I am now working at Panera Bread, which is not even a full 10 minutes away from my house. I start working this up coming Monday. Super excited my close friend Brooke works there and loves it.

Me, Caitlyn, & Brooke(the Aunt)

My life has been full of school but also family and close friends. My best friend's brother had his sons 1st birthday party and it was wonderful. So much love inside one house to celebrate the birth of a wonderful boy sent from God to teach us love and true joy. :) 

Also, some wonderful news! Chad is coming home this Friday for a two week leave! :D I'm SO excited you have no idea! We will finally get to spend a large amount of time with one another! Maybe I'll even find him annoying! Here's hoping! haha I hear girls at school talking about how annoying their boyfriends are and how they are dumb and just plain annoying. I look at them and say, "Well at least you are around your man long enough to find him annoying." I haven't seen Chad in about three months. So it's safe to say I miss him like crazy haha.

Well, not much else to say or anything new going on in my life right now other than what I've wrote already. :D I'll try and keep you updated, even though I'm not sure if anyone reads this haha