Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day Equals Girls Night

Valentines Day started off with two classes and a Historical Geology Lab quiz. After that I was (finally) informed by Chad his package arrived. He loved everything I sent, which made me feel awesome. :)

I drove home to find a lovely set of flowers at my door from Chad. (Chad was unable to get leave time to come into town for Valentines day. Sad day.) They are perfect and beautiful and I love them a lot :) He did a wonderful job of picking them out.

^Meet Brooke
I went by my friend Brooke's house and picked her up and we met up with my other friend Caitlyn at a Mexican restaurant and had us some dinner :) We all sat around talking about guys and I watched as they both tried to hit on another waiter, haha, silly girls.

We then went and got coffee we talked more about school and about how crazy it is that we are in our 2nd year in college and its almost over!
^Meet Cailtyn
^Meet Me

Today was filled with school and a lot of working out. We are all very tired and I'm sure we will all be in a great deal of pain tomorrow morning. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday.. Oh Sunday

School has been super busy.. the speed of everything is shocking but normal. I had my first Exam of the semester yesterday morning in my Historical Geology class, I think I did alright but you can never tell until you get the test back. My next exam is in my math class Monday, and my Historical Geology Lab I have my first quiz on Tuesday, next week I have a speech due, and also a Sociology Exam that same week as well. I can't believe all these almost back to back, but I'm not to stressed... yet.
I sent Chad his Valentines Day gift I believe it was Friday and it should be in his hands Monday :) It's killing him not knowing what it is, but that's just a plus haha. He worked all week in the field haha so he was glad to be home and shower after 5 days without one and sleeping in a sleeping bag. :) He told me that I should be getting my gift at some point, super excited! :D

I got my beautiful sewing machine all up and running, which can only mean it's time to make some awesome stuff for this spring/summer haha. In Tennessee there is a saying "If you don't like the weather just wait 15 minutes." this is a true story. Its beautiful warm then within 15 minutes it will start raining and freezing. Yesterday was freezing and it tried to snow, it did in other areas and stuck to the ground, but not in good ol' Knoxville, drat! haha. I'm so ready for the weather to be warm and wear my summer dresses and all my beautiful summer clothes. I love Fall and Winter but I don't enjoy being jerked around and teased by warm weather then cold weather, we haven't had a good snow this year and I want to wear my warm clothes I bought on sale last winter in order to be warm and cute this winter. But mother nature has other plans.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Lazy Day V-Day Gift Idea

   Today I woke up bright and early, the sun was thankfully out and drying up all the rain from the day before. :) I made a yummy cup of coffee.. and finally started and finished Chad's Valentines day gift.
   Chad is my lovely boyfriend. He is in the United States Marine Corp. He is living on base at the moment in North Carolina. It is very hard being away from him at times but every time we are able to see each other it makes it that much more special. I will not be able to visit him on Feb. 14th due to my school and work schedule; and sadly he is not able to have leave time to come see me. :( So the next best thing is to send him a little care Valentines Day package :) This is one of my gifts to him and how I made it.

This is what you will need above I have:
1. Gram Crackers 
2. Two glass Mason Jars
3. Chocolate bars- laying on the chocolate bar pack is to shred the chocolate 
(if you want too)
4. Marshmallows- which is awesome because I found flat marshmallows :)

You then layer the items like you would when you make smores. :) You can microwave the jars (without the metal top) for 10 to 15 seconds, take it out (carefully!) and enjoy with a spoon. I would not microwave it more than 5 times, everything starts to get gross after so many warm ups. But my Marine loves smores and he will more than likely eat the whole jar in one sitting :) 
Beautiful isn't it!? :) I think he will truly enjoy them both :) 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rainy Lazy Saturday

   My day started at 5am when I got up in order to get ready and at school on time at 8am. I have a Historical Geology class on Saturdays from 8am until 11am. So with coffee in hand and all bundled up to went outside into the wind and rain. My professor is pretty cool the only problem is he always seems to find a way to make sexual jokes about rocks, mountains, water, or lava; none of them are funny they are rude and weird. But he is a good professor and is smart when it comes to his subject matter.

   After my class I arrived home, went out to eat with my family at a lovely little local restaurant named Litton's. Then we all went to a craft store.. I got some items I needed to make Chad his Valentine day gift.. I'm going to start making it tomorrow and may post a how-to post. We all went to the store after to get some yummy food.
   Now we are all in the family room trying to get warm and watching The Big Bang Theory (DVDs), Mom is cuddled up with her round blanket I made her.. it's pretty big (still not done) but it covers her up.
   I love the rain but dislike it at the same time. I love the sound makes me sleepy. Dislike when I have to drive in it or have to stay away for a class or work. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ahh... School :)

Ahhh.. well school is in full flow now. I am working hard this semester to keep up and so far I believe I am doing very well. haha
I finally cleaned my room last weekend and talked my Dad into helping me put my sewing machine in my room. I am working on getting it up and running at the moment, it needs a little TLC. lol. I plan on sewing all my summer dresses.

When I'm not in school I have been crocheting on my granny square blanket, my round blanket has come to a slow stop, due to me not having money to buy more yarn. haha :)
Crocheting night with the girls as sadly stopped at the moment, due to classes, jobs, and family life.
Chad came in two weekends ago but the base called him back... So our time together was cut short :( But he will be taking a 15 day leave in April which is making me very happy :D haha