Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day Equals Girls Night

Valentines Day started off with two classes and a Historical Geology Lab quiz. After that I was (finally) informed by Chad his package arrived. He loved everything I sent, which made me feel awesome. :)

I drove home to find a lovely set of flowers at my door from Chad. (Chad was unable to get leave time to come into town for Valentines day. Sad day.) They are perfect and beautiful and I love them a lot :) He did a wonderful job of picking them out.

^Meet Brooke
I went by my friend Brooke's house and picked her up and we met up with my other friend Caitlyn at a Mexican restaurant and had us some dinner :) We all sat around talking about guys and I watched as they both tried to hit on another waiter, haha, silly girls.

We then went and got coffee we talked more about school and about how crazy it is that we are in our 2nd year in college and its almost over!
^Meet Cailtyn
^Meet Me

Today was filled with school and a lot of working out. We are all very tired and I'm sure we will all be in a great deal of pain tomorrow morning. 

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