Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rainy Lazy Saturday

   My day started at 5am when I got up in order to get ready and at school on time at 8am. I have a Historical Geology class on Saturdays from 8am until 11am. So with coffee in hand and all bundled up to went outside into the wind and rain. My professor is pretty cool the only problem is he always seems to find a way to make sexual jokes about rocks, mountains, water, or lava; none of them are funny they are rude and weird. But he is a good professor and is smart when it comes to his subject matter.

   After my class I arrived home, went out to eat with my family at a lovely little local restaurant named Litton's. Then we all went to a craft store.. I got some items I needed to make Chad his Valentine day gift.. I'm going to start making it tomorrow and may post a how-to post. We all went to the store after to get some yummy food.
   Now we are all in the family room trying to get warm and watching The Big Bang Theory (DVDs), Mom is cuddled up with her round blanket I made her.. it's pretty big (still not done) but it covers her up.
   I love the rain but dislike it at the same time. I love the sound makes me sleepy. Dislike when I have to drive in it or have to stay away for a class or work. :)

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